• unveiling the missing transport mechanis    相關企業商業資訊
    1. SITA

      SITA is the worlds leading specialist in air transport communications and IT solutionsWe deliver and manage business solutions for airline, airport, GDS, government and other customers over the worlds most extensive network, which forms the communications backbone of the global air transport industr...

      電話:03-3983336    地址:桃園縣大園鄉桃園機場二期航廈4024室
    2. 英商比威工程公司

      Brecknell Willis is a world leader in electrified rail transport and has been involved with electrification systems for over 100 years. The company has grown with the expansion of electrified transport systems, from the earliest days of streetcars and the trolleybus to modern-day metro systems. Brec...

      電話:02-25625587    地址:台北市中山區長安東路一段23號10F-5
    3. 永霖國際物流有限公司

      ... NVOCC (Non -Vessel Operating Common Carrier) license from the Ministry of Transportation of China.Incorporated in 2004, TIL started operations in Shenzhen and Shanghai and now has expanded its operations in Guangzhou , Xiamen , Qingdao, Xingang , Wuhan & Taiwan, with more than 10 year of experience...

      電話:07-2696100    地址:高雄市苓雅區成功一路232號8F-6
    4. 弘隆工業股份有限公司

      ...C-machining and metal fabrication in the automobile, consumer electronics, transportation, telecommunications and industrial industries. Throughout the companys growth, Hong Long Industrial continually invests in technology and in strengthening its supplier capabilities. 未來願景: To provide...

      電話:02-22686100    地址:新北市土城區中山路50號
    5. MISS(蜜斯)髮型

      現正擴店中..急徵多位設計師.助理MISS理念---用心 感受 追求每一個幸福微笑MISS和客戶和員工共享幸福微笑miss擁有健全教育制度 只要保有熱誠的態度 願一起成長

      電話:03-5904820    地址:新竹縣湖口鄉民族街57號

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